- Players that participated in our early development couldn't believe how these bags feel in their hand, and how the bag threw and performed in action. Thus this bag has been our number one selling bag year after year! This bag feels fully broken in out of the box and you can immediately start throwing them in a tournament if you wanted to!
- One-of-a-kind resin blend - revolutionary new resin mix makes these bags feel soft and pliable. Extremely hole friendly and allows you to grip the bag for improved accuracy.
- Machine filled to 16 ounces
- Industrial size #69 bonded nylon heavy duty thread
- Triple tack sewn ends for anon intrusive top seam
- 5 7/8" size w/rounded corners
- Expect speed rating 5 on the slow side and 8 on the fast side (pending official rating release)
Price is for as set of 4